SHE FIDGETS, STAMMERS, ROLLS HER EYES IN NERVOUS FASHION , and blabbers incomprehensible self-declarations, making it quite difficult to understand what she wants to put across. Meantime, he, on the other hand, pauses and squirms, as if eating his words, his haf-smiles revealing his own nervousness and self-conscious babbles.
And they start all over again, from the top.
Nope, they’re not auditioning for TV role screenings, and it’s not even a movie bit role rehearsal. “First impressions last, and so we’re making them good ones,” they say.
Both are composing their own online video resumes, making sure they perfect their video presentations , eyeing their goals of landing a job at the corporate organization of their dreams.
When industry analysts tagged the phenomenon of video resumes as “already popular” in First World countries which makes text resumes as “obsolete”, not a few observers agreed. Hong Kong-based internet company Konek.com’s human resources manager Jeff Sabordo enthused that video resumes online is “the latest craze in the corporate world.”
“The technology is already available, with video resumes easily uploadable in online facilities, giving more chances for jobseekers to get started in their chosen careers. Fresh graduates, and all the other applicants should avail themselves of this innovation in job applications,” says Sabordo.
He further added that job applicants’ personalities are more easily assessed through video resumes than through text resumes. “Even if the applicant practices his or her speech, the real person will come out in their online videos. But in paper resumes, what you see is what the person wrote about himself—yet, more often than not , the applicant’s perceived personality is so detached from his real personality when you see him in person.”
In the Philippine set-up, research group IBON Foundation gives statistical data giving a bleak scenario for the labor and employment ballgame. Their studies show the latest figures: a total of at least 10.6 million jobless and underemployed Filipinos in January 2009, revealing an unemployment rate of 7.7% early this year.
And more of IBON Foundation’s figures : job losses number to some 122,000 in the manufacturing sector from last year’s figures, 39,000 job losses in the construction sector, and some 28,000 job losses in the financial intermediation sector.
The IBON Foundation report says: “The latest unemployment report underscores the deep problems of the economy: its weakened internal ability to grow, create jobs, provide incomes , and cope with the crisis… The country faces greater joblessness in the coming months, and the worst is yet to come especially with the government’s inadequate response to address the country’s severe unemployment.”
Amidst what looks like a grim labor and employment scenario, enter VidRes.Net --- giving a glimmer of hope for the country’s current economic and financial slump.
The VidRes group , an all-Filipino team expressed optimism that one of the “answers” to the country’s unemployment problem is already here with their company’s novel online search engine : matching jobseekers and employers with its online video resume facilities which provide win-win solutions for both parties.
“Our site serves to expedite hiring procedures as it bypasses the lengthy preliminary screening process, being one of the newest innovations in the industry which could help address the country’s unemployment concerns. On the macro level, we foresee the economy benefiting from the revolutionary effect of this development, and could lead to what economists term as a faster velocity of labor since it cuts down the turnaround time in moving between jobs.”
They further add: “The simplicity and the economy of the Vidres system are its principal virtues. Its entry into the market could well signal a host of possibilities for improving the ways of doing business that start with finding the right man or woman for the job and finding the right job for every man or woman. “
Other company officials point out that with the rapid changes in the Internet creating major positive effects in fresh trends and innovations in competition in the job market, more and more are agreeing that the advent of the video resume system is very timely. And that very soon, because of its growing popularity and effectivity, “video resumes are going to be as ubiquitous as PDAs or iPods.
While companies seeking perfect candidates for their vacancies benefit from its cost-effective and time-effective interview screenings for their prospects to ease the usually tedious process in recruitment, jobseekers themselves benefit to cut costs with the site’s time-efficiency measures minus travelling hassles of initial personal interviews.
With just a thirty-seconder video resume, backed up with job interview advice and job hunt professional tips, free log-in online facility and uploading facility for those who would want to post their online video resumes ( costing a one-time fee of P300 for three months online exposure) , thousands of jobseekers have trooped to the site , beefing up the site’s database, and also a growing roster of employer-companies addressing the concern of unemployment.
“The timing of this online video resume technology is truly ripe, with the obvious appeal and popularity of job-search engines , hastening the recruitment process for both local and foreign employers. Online video resumes serve to expedite hiring procedures as it bypasses the lengthy preliminary screening process."
Launched last June 2007, the two-year-old online video resume site , not surprisingly, earned numerous rave reviews from the media , industry analysts and the general public. And when the company bagged the Award of Excellence in the recent Philippine Quill Awards sponsored by the International Association of Business Communications (IABC), the unrelenting raves made things clear.
With everything coming up roses, the upsurge of clamor for the site surely makes it headed for global directions. The Filipino team reveals that their management group is eyeing new target clients from the USA, Europe and the Middle East “with boundless job markets.”
More link-ups: the company forges ties with Internet cafes and job fairs for the online recruitment search engine to be more beneficial for a wider target market ( both jobseekers and employers), beefing up its growing database. Next stop: a link-up with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
With all these, the group expressed optimism for the novel job-matching idea to reach better heights in the industry.
“Gone are the days when firms have to go through a number of resumés to find the right worker. Video resumés allow both the employer and the job seeker to cut down on employment costs. This "innovative" way of looking for jobs is one way of answering the country’s unemployment concerns. Everyone should take advantage of the growing trends and popularity of online recruitment and video resume jobhunting. This technology is ripe and in perfect timing. “