ALL ROADS LEAD TO KUALA LUMPUR this coming September 20th, as information technology security experts from around the globe – USA, Europe, Middle East . Africa and the Asia Pacific -- and global IT key players take part in presenting best practices and high-level tips for IT security strategies, increasing confidence and reducing risks in modern computing technologies, such as cloud computing, among others.
The conference will present high-level tips for increasing confidence and reducing the risks in cloud computing technology: bringing together throngs from the IT industry worldwide -- security administrators, security architects, senior technologists , security analysts, senior systems engineers, web security managers, security consultants, IT risk managers , among others -- as they share industry insights and strategies to strengthen the stronghold against the challenges of IT security.
The event, entitled The 4th Annual SecureAsia Congress 2010, is dubbed as “ one of the upcoming major event-conferences in Asia focused on the IT security sector which will provide CIOs, CTOs, business and IT executives with the latest IT security strategies, case-study presentations, growing technologies and the best practices that are vital to fight against the security challenges.”
Check out the conference’s sales pitch come-on for its attendees:
“This will be a must-attend event for decision makers and IT risk managers, as it offers a platform to network with the leading information security professionals to discuss the latest security issues and challenges. It will give an unrivaled opportunity to improve evocative and useful information related to IT security.”
With the advent of cloud computing technology slowly seeping through the Asia Pacific region and now here in the Philippines, drumbeating for this technology is getting louder and louder.
Cloud computing technology , simply put, is Internet-based computing, where shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand, just like the electricity grid.
With a common “host” for Internet-based applications shared by interconnected virtual servers, among others, there is no need for computer infrastructure such as servers, no skyrocketing business expenses on software, with “pay-as-you-go” mode via cloud computing technology subscription: minus the hassles of maintenance and upkeep of infrastructure and software.
In a recent report by ComputerWorld Philippines, Singapore-based Information Security Forum (ISF) members revealed that cloud computing changed their information security risk landscape, but they maintain that “they are well-placed to address these security issues.”
The ISF is a major independent, not-for-profit authority on information security, dedicated to reducing risk and resolving information security challenges.
According to the report: the vote of confidence in cloud computing technology was revealed in the ISF’s latest survey involving more than 300 of the world’s major companies and public sector organizations.
The rapid adoption of cloud computing was identified as one of the top information security challenges in the ISF’s latest Threat Horizon Report, which highlighted concerns on cloud computing focused on managing user identities and credentials, third-party service providers, emerging cloud technologies, protecting against new forms of malware and legal and regulatory issues, as mentioned by ISF senior research consultant Adrian Davis.
ISF informs: “In our latest report on cloud computing, we advise members to address five tasks: prepare a strategy; identify the impact on business operations; assess risks to data; ensure that information security is part of the decision-making process; and work under the assumption that cloud computing is already being used within the organization.”
In the Philippines, more and more are joining the cloud computing technology bandwagon, among them business industry leaders ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation, Jollibee, among others.
IT solutions provider IT Group Inc. (ITG) jumps in the cloud technology joyride as well.
“We are moving up the clouds,” says ITG CEO and President Cris Gamboa. The technology’s advantages , such as scalability, dependability, optimized performance regardless of location , preserved functionalities even during upgrades , movement to multiple Virtual Private Servers (VPS) –- all these are part of the ITG decision to go into cloud computing.
“Cloud hosting saves money as acquiring physical servers and software licenses are things of the past, with costs only based on consumption via software-as-a-service (SAAS) subscription. VPS use in the “cloud” conserves electricity, which is part of energy conservation. With data recovery, the said process is easier, faster, and more efficient in case malfunctions occur.”
And on an environment-friendly note: lesser use of computer infrastructure would lead to concerted contributory efforts to ease global warming, energy conservation and promotion of the preservation of the environment.
“ITG is committed to its social responsibility for the community and the environment. More and more companies are making the move from offline business management solutions to cloud computing technology, and now using VPS for low overhead expenses and greener output. Having a single server device , energy is conserved , carbon emissions are reduced , and business processes become simplified and cost-effective.”
Gamboa points out: Philippine businesses are producing metric tons of carbon yearly, contributing greatly to global warming. ITG’s move to switch to cloud computing technology could pave the way for local industries to follow suit, reevaluate their systems, and also take responsibility for a greener environment.